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About Me

I play the alto sax for the Duke wind symphony, work at the coffeehouse on East Campus as a sound tech, and play music on WXDU 88.7 FM on Fridays from 2-4pm. My favorite books are "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski and "Pale Blue Dot" by Carl Sagan. As for music I like alternative electronic and jazz, with some artists being Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, Clark, Cannonball Adderley, and Stanley Turrentine.

How to Pronounce My Name

First name: Connor (KHAN-ER)"KHAN" as in Genghis Khan, "ER" as in Errr-- I don't know. Last name: Higgins (HIG-GENS)"HIG" pronounced to rhyme with Wig, "GENS" to rhyme with Hens.

Grand Challenges for Engineering (Reverse Engineering the Brain)

Can You Live Forever? Maybe Not--But You Can Have Fun Trying, Carl Zimmer, Scientific American, created December 22 2010, accessed September 21 2011 (Reverse-engineer the brain)