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About Me

Hello! My name is Geena-Luise (Jee-nuh Loo-ease) and I am from Austin, TX. I am an undergraduate student here at Duke University interested in pursuing a BME degree with a focus in biotechnology, gene/drug delivery, or regenerative medicine. I hope to minor in Spanish as well. I also love to meet new people and make friends :).

Here's a picture of my hometown!


I enjoy going on daily adventures such as visits to the Farmers' market, hiking a trail, or trying new food. I am a big foodie and love to cook and share meals with friends and family. I also love running and anything involving music whether it's going to a concert or playing classical guitar.

This year, I hope to get involved at Duke by joining a cultural organization, a club or intramural sport, or a BME/SWE club.

NAE Grand Challenge