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I was born in Elmhurst, Illinois and have lived in Illinois and Colorado. I graduated Arapahoe High School in the spring of 2021 and matriculated at Duke University in the fall of 2021, where I intend to study mechanical engineering with a certificate in energy in the environment. My family consists of my parents, three sisters, and two dogs: Coda and Toby. I am passionate about environmentalism and enjoy spending time with friends and exercising.

Name Pronunciation

My full name is Robert Arthur Amann III. This is pronounced "rah-bert arth-ur ay-min the third".

Net ID and Pundit Username

Duke Net ID=raa60; Pratt Pundit Username=robert.amann

Fall 2021 Duke Class Schedule

EGR 95FS: Sustainable Energy: Engineering Design and Communication

EGR 95FS: Emerging Materials and Technology for an Energy Future

EGR 103L: Computational Methods in Engineering

MATH 218-2D: Matrices and Vector Spaces

Grand Challenges for Engineering

A Safer Way to Deal with Raw Sewage in the Developing World, Matt Shipman, NC State University News, April 2 2015, October 1 2021 (Provide Access to Clean Water).