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About Me

This is the page for B Fitz. I am an engineering student at Duke taking EGR103 and I am writing this for the homework 1 assignment. I was told by a fellow student Madison Jaffrey to make my page more spoofy so I've added some more stuff to this page.

Name Pronounciation

My name is Bryce Fitzpatrick, "br-ice Fits-pat-rick." I don't really have nicknames, though I did earn the name "Brick" for my exceptional basketball talent, and I was called B Fitz when I played baseball (not to be confused with J Fitz, my twin brother).


4x4 in Schools Technology Challenge: I was the mechanical engineer for the 4x4 in Schools Engineering Challenge at my high school. In this role, I designed and manufactured all of the components in the image below using 5-axis CNC milling and 3D printing.

4x4 IS 2019.jpg

CNC mill design and manufacture: I designed and built several iterations of a personal CNC router for home use. I have used the routers to make custom ping pong paddles, signage, and other woodworking/art projects. The image below is the most recent iteration:

CNC Design bfitz.png

Assistive Spoon (EGR101): In my first year design course at Duke University, I designed an assistive spoon for teens with arthrogryposis along with Girlboss Madison Jaffrey.

Spoon Render EGR101.png

Grand Challenge Article

Solar energy has the potential to be a major power source for the world that is sustainable and renewable. However, Solar faces challenges of cost and efficiency. This is one of the 14 Grand Challenges in Engineering \n Photovoltaic Technology: The Case for Thin-Film Solar Cells A. Shah, P. Torres, R. Tscharner, N. Wyrsch, and H. Keppner, Science Journal, 30 July 1999, 29 September 2021 (Make solar energy economical)