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Hey! My name is Engin Polat and I am a member of Duke class of 2018. I flew all the way from Turkey to be a part of Duke. But I did not do that by myself. Yes, I have a twin brother at Duke: Ibrahim Cem Polat. I have always wanted to be an engineer and I know I am in the right place to become one.

I am interested in web design, web programming, tennis, philosophy and classical music. I like learning new web technologies, coding cool stuff and designing printed materials.

Note: My name actually originates from engineering and is pronounced like an engine without the e at the end and with a hard g in the middle.

Believing in engineering comes with believing very small or no limits exist on what mankind can achieve. Here is an article demonstrating an important step to solve one of the Grand Challenges for Engineering: Neuromorphic chips could help reverse-engineer the human brain, Dario Borghino, gizmag, 5 August 2013, accessed 14 September 2014 (Reverse-engineer the brain)

My favorite of the MATLAB demonstrations is the Bending Truss, mainly because I have always been fascinated by trusses, but also because it shows a very smooth movement using MATLAB's GUI.