About Me
My name is Lourdes, and I am a first-year student at Duke. I like cats... and dogs. I have a twin brother (no, unfortunately, he does not attend Duke with me). I have two older sisters. All of us are in college and we are proud about that since we were raised by a single father with only a high school degree.
About this page
This page was made for an engineering class.
College Goals
Right now, I am working on getting the hang of college work. Although I know that I want to be an engineer, I really need to explore more about each type of engineering. One of my top choices is mechanical engineering, possibly with an energy minor. I am also interested in doing research or working on a major project. Ultimately, my goal is to become successful in that I will be able to help others and myself/family using the knowledge that i have gained here at Duke.
Fourth Header
I read on the [[1]] that if there are four headers, a table of contents will automatically be created and I wanted to see that happen. :)