Hello everyone my name is Bradley Howard, I am from Naples, Florida, and I am a first year in Pratt. I currently am thinking about studying civil or environmental engineering, but I honestly could not tell you where I will end up.
Name Pronunciation
My name is really easy to say. It's said almost exactly how it looks. My full name is Bradley Howard, which would be said as BRAD-lee HOW-erd. But I go by Brad.
Grand Challenges for Engineering
After searching for an article, I found one that interested me: How a Pacific Island Changed From Diesel to 100% Solar Power, Daniel Lin, National Geographic, 23 February 2017, 14 September 2017 (Make solar energy economical)
My favorite demonstration was the "Basic Matrix Operations" demonstration. It was very insightful and was extremely helpful in improving my understanding of matrices and how MATLAB utilizes these matrices. Also, it is interesting to learn about the basics of MATLAB and the necessity of using matrices correctly to program effectively.