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About Me

My name is Drew Webster. I'm from Centennial, Colorado, which is about 30 minutes south of Denver. Since I'm from Colorado, I really enjoy spending time outdoors. I love to hike, swim, backpack, camp, ski, and snowboard. I also love to sail (I spent many summers of my childhood sailing on the Eastern shore in Maryland). When I'm not adventuring, I like to watch Netflix, sing in the car, and spend a lot of time with friends.

Plans at Duke

I chose Duke because it mixes great academics with a lot of involvement. I have a lot of plans for my time at Duke.


I plan to major in BME (like everyone at Pratt). However, I also want to consider a minor (or double major if I'm bold) in neuroscience. I would ideally like to study abroad in Spain and become fluent in Spanish. Therefore, I am also thinking about minoring in Spanish.


As of right now, I am on the Devil's Advocates. This means that I run one of the many @dukestudents accounts. This semester, I am partially in charge of the @dukestudents snapchat (follow it! This is a shameless plug). I am also on the Duke sailing team. I'm very excited to get to travel to regattas with the team. I am also in the NeuroCare club and the Duke Political Union. In the future, I hope to apply to become a tour guide and I also hope to find some kind of a cool job. I also want to play a lot of IM sports, tent for the Carolina game, and, of course, be a Cameron Crazie.

Favorite Things


My favorite music types are country and alternative. On the alternative side, I have a taste that I call "Indie Pop". I also really like folk music because it reminds me of being outdoors and enjoying nature.


I'm a huge film geek and love all of the classic Oscar-winning films.


I love mexican food and chicken wings. Chipotle and Buffalo Wild Wings are two of my favorite restaurants.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

New research could potentially yield novel platform for cancer vaccines,, created 26 August 2015, accessed 13 September 2015 (General)