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Zachary Miller

A Humble Plea from a User Page

Thank you fans, scholars, illiterates, and drunkards for reading me: a humble user page. Try as I might to fill my head with knowledge, I fail so miserably. Instead here I am: the dumb, blank web space. Waiting, wanting to join what I cannot join: your famous human race. And so I sit here, some bits of memory across a server or two. But you reader; your thoughts, your hopes, your memory, how I long to see you. Just for a second, to be in your mind controlling and looking down at me. But I know I can't, why with you being you and me being me. The impossible here is impossible 'cause All it takes is a...delete, and this poem can no longer be.

Is Electricity Generation from Fusion feasible?: Fusion Fuels,ITER Organization, created 2009, 29 August 2009 (Grand Challenge Links)