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About Me

My name is Emily Hack, and I am freshman at Duke University. I'm planning on studying BME, but that's the only thing I know about my future as of now. I'm from New York, so being in Durham is interestingly different (the people here are so nice, and not everyone is in a rush all the time). I really like reading (sci-fi and fantasy-what a nerd) and painting.

Grand Challenge for Engineering Article

Reverse-Engineering the Brain Fred Hapgood, MIT News, updated July/August 2006, accessed 14 September 2013 (Grand Challenge)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite MATLAB demonstration was "Earth's Topography". This demonstration utilized both 2D and 3D plotting to express the topography of the Earth. Not only was this demonstration informative, but the final products were really cool! The codes were not too complex to understand, and the demonstration provided an example of using the plot function to create something more than simply plots of data sets. At the same time, this demonstration included more details on to how to manipulate and modify plots.