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Dennis Lynch (Dennis Edgar Lynch, born January 6th, 1994)

The Man Behind The Mystery

He has several interests, which include

He is currently a student at Duke University, but is from Chicago, Illinois.


One thing Dennis would like to do while at Duke is create something notable, or work on something important, thanks to his new-found technological prowess. Like This. Something like that would be pretty cool. All futuristic and everything.

MATLAB Demonstration

His favorite MATLAB Demonstration is the Earth Topography demonstration. Why? It shows that MATLAB can do more than just make graphs and do mathematics, it also has the potential to display complex images and create visual replications of data, making the process of data collection and analysis more exciting.

External Links

[1] How Virtual Crime Scenes Work, Jonathan Strickland,, 31 August 2007, accessed 27 August 2012 (Enhance Virtual Reality)