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My Engineering Grand Challenge Article

Reverse Engineering the Brain, Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, updated June 2008, accessed 21 September 2011 (Reverse Engineering the Brain)

Phonetic Pronunciation of "Andrew Shim"

an-droo shim (not sheem)

My favorite MATLAB demonstration

3-D Visualization: Klein Bottle This one is my favorite because it created a cool image and I was able to make out what most of the code was doing.

alt text

Code used to generate Klein Bottle


n = 12; a = .2; % the diameter of the small tube c = .6; % the diameter of the bulb t1 = pi/4 : pi/n : 5*pi/4; % parameter along the tube t2 = 5*pi/4 : pi/n : 9*pi/4; % angle around the tube u = pi/2 : pi/n : 5*pi/2; [X,Z1] = meshgrid(t1,u); [Y,Z2] = meshgrid(t2,u);

% The handle len = sqrt(sin(X).^2 + cos(2*X).^2); x1 = c*ones(size(X)).*(cos(X).*sin(X) ...

   [[File:File:Example.jpg]]- 0.5*ones(size(X))+a*sin(Z1).*sin(X)./len);

y1 = a*c*cos(Z1).*ones(size(X)); z1 = ones(size(X)).*cos(X) + a*c*sin(Z1).*cos(2*X)./len; handleHndl=surf(x1,y1,z1,X); set(handleHndl,'EdgeColor',[.5 .5 .5]); hold on;

% The bulb r = sin(Y) .* cos(Y) - (a + 1/2) * ones(size(Y)); x2 = c * sin(Z2) .* r; y2 = - c * cos(Z2) .* r; z2 = ones(size(Y)) .* cos(Y); bulbHndl=surf(x2,y2,z2,Y); set(bulbHndl,'EdgeColor',[.5 .5 .5])

colormap(hsv); axis vis3d view(-37,30); axis off light('Position',[2 -4 5]) light hold off
