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About Me

My name is Stephanie Laughton (pronounced my last name rhymes with 'cotton', there is no 'laugh' in it at all) and I am a freshman engineer at Pratt in Duke University. I am planning on a BME major with a dance minor. I am looking forward to all of my classes in my four years at Duke.

Engineering Grand Challenges Link

New STEM Schools Target Underrepresented Groups, Erik W. Robelen, Education Week, published 13 September 2011, accessed 30 September 2011 (General)

Grand Challenges for Biological Engineers, Jeong-Yeol Yoon and Mark R Riley, PubMed Central, published 22 September 2009, accessed 20 September 2011 (General)

--Snl11 14:10, 20 September 2011 (EDT)