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About Me

Hey. My name is Angel J. Rivera and I am an undergatuate student at Duke University. I am Pre-Med and thinking about majoring in Biomedical Engineering (still undecided).

Duke 2014.jpg

Name Pronunciation

The way it's pronounced in spanish, "Ángel Jesús Rivera" sounds like "Anne-hell Je-seuss Ri-ve-ra" (yes, suess as in Dr. Seuss). People usually just call me Angel (AIN- j uh l), the way it's pronounced in english.


I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Favorite Demo in MATLAB

My favorite demo in the Help Navigator in MATLAB is "Other Demos", especially the one called “Traveling Salesman”. I think it is a really useful way to utilize MATLAB to solve a problem that has many variables. Basically, this demonstration confirmed how advantageous and beneficial MATLAB can be.