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Simple Biographical Information

I'm Paris and I was born June 14th, 2003. I identify as female with the pronouns she/her/hers. I'm from Kernersville, North Carolina which is about an hour and a half drive from Duke. There I went to Robert B. Glenn High School. (Go Bobcats!) My intended major here at Duke is BME. I also intend to minor in Environmental Science and Policy. Outside of being a student I also work at the Bryan Center helping to make theatre sets. I love my job. At home, I'm the middle child. I have two sisters. Winoka, who is exactly a year and a half younger than me, and Shaila, who is a little over 5 years older than me. I miss them all the time but I get to see them every other weekend whenever I go home.

Name Pronounciation

Pear-iss Ray-No-Suh

Paris like the city in France and Reynosa like the smaller city in Mexico no one tends to know about.

Courses I Take (Fall 2021)

  • EGR 101
  • EGR 103
  • Chem 101
  • Math 111
  • Thrive
  • House Course: Learn Our Land

Fun Facts

Things I Love

In no particular order...

  • Bears! They're my favorite animals!
  • The pumpkin bread from CAFE
  • The Sun
  • Catching frogs
  • Science fiction
  • Reading
  • Listening to music
  • Warm colors


  • My dad wanted to name me Pariscova but to his dismay, my mom would only settle for Paris.
  • At home, I have three dogs, three cats, three snails, and a hermit crab.
  • I got my tonsils and adenoids taken out in 3rd grade.
  • I do a lot of random art projects for fun. Examples of some I'm working on now include:
    • Making mosaics from broken glass collected from sites on campus.
    • Making mini statues by 3D printing pre-made files, sanding them, priming them, and spray painting them with flat white spray paint.
    • Turning fallen limbs in Duke Forest into fancy walking sticks. My favorite one so far is a spindly one I'm going to make fairy-woodland-themed.
  • Because of record mistakes, half of my family on my dad's side has the name "Reynosa" while the other has the last name "Reynoso".

Grand Challenges