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Revision as of 04:44, 30 September 2021 by Anthony04 (talk | contribs) (Interesting things about me)
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Hello, my name is Anthony Ramirez. I am an undergraduate student at Duke University in the Pratt School of Engineering.

Name pronunciation

When it comes to my name pronunciation It's pronounced "An-thugh-knee". You could just say Anthony while pronouncing the "th" sound, and you should be right almost all the time.

Interesting things about me

My life goal is to run 100 miles in a row.

Grand Challenges

[] , Emily Carl, Aliza T. Stein, Andrew Levihn-Coon, Jamie R. Pogue, Barbara Rothbaum, Paul Emmelkamp, Gordon J.G. Asmundson, Per Carlbring, Mark B. Powers, ,Science Direct, January 19 , 09/30/21 ( Enhance virtual reality )