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About Me:

Hello, My name is David! I'm from Caracas, Venezuela! I've always wanted to be an engineer but I didn't expect it to be this much work. My hobbies include playing tennis, reading history books, watching old films, eating at fancy restaurants and playing board games with my friends.

External Grand Challenge Article

Article on Virtual Reality: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING David Jack, Member, IEEE, Rares Boian, Student Member, IEEE, Alma S. Merians, Marilyn Tremaine,Grigore C. Burdea, Senior Member, IEEE, Sergei V. Adamovich, Michael Recce, and Howard Poizner, IEEE, 03/2001, accessed 1 February 2016

Favorite Demonstration

I thought the demonstration on manipulating multidimentional arrays ways super cool. I have never seen a anything that look like that! I am curious to know what type of information can be presented using multidimentional arrays and for what purpose. Will we be using things like this later on in the course?