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About Me

I am currently a freshman at Duke Univeristy. I am studying Biomedical Engineering and one day hope to work with prosthetics. I am a saber fencer on Duke's Division 1 Fencing Team. I am proud to call myself a blue devil.

Name Pronunciation

My name "Dara Buggay" sounds like "DARE-uh BUG-gay" when pronounced correctly.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Here is an article I read about one of the challenges of engineering in creating a virtual reality for investigating crime scenes. [1], Jonathan Strickland, How Stuff Works, updated 31 August 2007, accessed 27 Janurary 2015 (Enhance virtual reality)

Matlab Demonstrations

My favorite Matlab demonstration was 'Convert Between Image Sequences and Video' because I recently have fallen in love with photography and film. I took a film animation class last semester and one of our assignments was to create a timelapse, where we took hundreds of still frames and then sequenced them together in a computer program to create a video. It was interesting seeing how the finished product looked depending on what interval of time you waited between taking each photo in the series. So, I find this Matlab demonstration particularly interesting because it alows you to convert between a sequences of images and video.