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About Me

I'm Megan Schonberg. I am from a suburb just outside of Dallas, Texas, and I am the oldest of three siblings. I love to dance, especially ballet, and I plan to continue to dance throughout college.

Why Duke

I visited Duke for the first time in mid-April for Blue Devil Days, after I'd been accepted. Two weeks after seeing the campus for the first time, I committed. My visit made it clear that Duke was (and is) the perfect school for me. I love the people, the campus, the location, the sports, the rigor, and the opportunity to study both engineering and dance.

My Classes

This semester I am taking 5.0 credits. I am overloading because of my goal of double-majoring with dance and either biomedical or electrical engineering. I am currently taking Chemistry 101, Calculus 111, Music for Dancers, Ballet IV, Pointe Repertory, and, of course, Engineering 103.I am in class about 26 hours each week.


I hope to get involved in religious, engineering, and/or service-related groups during my time here at Duke. So far, I have auditioned for and joined a dance group called Defining Movement (DefMo), which will allow me to grow as a dancer and continue to perform as often as (if not more than) I did in high school.