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About Me

Hello, my name is Eun Kee Kim, but I go by Jeff because no one can really pronounce it. I was born in Korea but moved around all over the world including Russia, Texas, and Canada.


I'm thinking of an ECE major and maybe a double major in Computer Science.

Current Courses

Currently taking

  • JPN 101: Elementary Japanese Course
  • EGR 103: Computational Method in Engineering
  • Math 212: Multivariable Calculus
  • Writing 101: Language Diversity in US


Have fun reading my page.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles

Provide access to clean water

Team awarded grant to develop clean drinking water technology, Rob Jordan, created 7 December 2012, accessed 14 September 2014 (Grand Challenge)

Make solar energy economical

New solar energy conversion process discovered by Stanford engineers could revamp solar power production, Louis Bergeron, created 2 August 2010, accessed 14 September 2014 (Grand Challenge)

Matlab Demonstration

I loved the script explaining how to draw 3-D plots. In class, we only covered up to drawing 2-D plots so far. Plotting 3-D graphs was what I really needed for my multivariable calculus, and Matlab enabled me to visualize the 3-D vectors I'm learning right now.