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Revision as of 03:37, 11 September 2012 by SiyangWang (talk | contribs)
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About Me

I am Steven Siyang Wang, the way people pronounce my Chinese name is "Sss-YOUNG WON". Well, if you find that challenging, you can go with my English name, Steven:P

My Favorite Grand Challenge

5 Things Your Car Will Finally Do in 2020, John Brandon, CNN, updated 12 March 2008, accessed 10, September 2012 (Restore and improve urban infrastructure)

My Favorite Demonstration

My favorite demonstration is "Three-Dimensional Knot" in the Gallery section. With the colorful representation of 3D Knot, and its detailed breakdown of how the knot was "made" in MATLAB language, it impressed me immediately. I was especially interested in this demonstration because through this demonstration, I learnt how such a complicated 3D object can be drawn in MATLAB using a set of quite simple functions. It also showed me the superior graph drawing ability of MATLAB.