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About Me

My name is Sam Ginsburg, and I am a part of the Duke University class of 2016. I am originally from South Florida, and more specifically, near Ft. Lauderdale. I am in Pratt and currently planning on majoring in ECE. I live in Blackwell dorm in "the backyard" of East campus. So far, I have joined the club skiing team here at Duke, as well as the Quidditch team. Some other hobbies of mine are playing football and playing tennis.

Grand Challenges Article

A Blueprint for Preventing Nuclear Terrorism, Eben Harrell and Matthew Bunn, Time, created 30 March 2012, accessed 9 September 2012 (Preventing Nuclear Terror)

Favorite Demo

For assignment 2, my favorite demo was the "Traveling Salesman" demo. This is because I knew about the traveling salesman problem before and have tried to figure it out, and it's very interesting that Matlab has the power to solve such a complex problem quickly and while displaying it graphically.