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Hi! My name is Tory Andrews, and I'm from Cary, North Carolina. I'm currently planning on majoring in BME. I love a lot of things - soccer, Harry Potter, everything Disney related, my family, my friends, Duke (of course), reading, etc.
Hi! My name is Tory Andrews, and I'm from Cary, North Carolina. I'm currently planning on majoring in BME. I love a lot of things - soccer, Harry Potter, everything Disney related, my family, my friends, Duke (of course), reading, etc.
[www.unicef.org/infobycountry/myanmar_82964.html Providing access to clean water in Myanmar's Rakhine state], UNICEF, updated 21 August 2015, accessed 31 August 2015.

Revision as of 03:30, 1 September 2015

Hi! My name is Tory Andrews, and I'm from Cary, North Carolina. I'm currently planning on majoring in BME. I love a lot of things - soccer, Harry Potter, everything Disney related, my family, my friends, Duke (of course), reading, etc.

[www.unicef.org/infobycountry/myanmar_82964.html Providing access to clean water in Myanmar's Rakhine state], UNICEF, updated 21 August 2015, accessed 31 August 2015.