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Latest revision as of 00:45, 30 September 2022

The following page gives general instructions for completing the three phases of Skills Quiz 1 for Spring 2022. They are:

  • Closed note
  • Open note
  • Reflection

Quick Links

  • Where/how to scan into a PDF: Scanning. When scanning, start with the cover page, then the test page for Problem 1, then any additional work for problem 1, then the test page for problem 2, then any additional work for problem 2, etc, etc.

Round 1: 75-minute closed notes

  • First, after you feel you are prepared to take the test, find 75 minutes in a quiet space with no distractions where you can take the test. Print it out from Sakai in the Resources folder, have 5 or 6 extra blank pieces of paper and a dark pen or pencil handy. Only write on one side of each page and only put work for one problem on any given piece of paper. Be sure your name and NetID are on every page. If you get testing accommodations for extra time or for breaks, plan those for yourself as well.
    • For Problem I, put the answers on the test page in the grid
    • For Problem II, put your answers on the test page in the space below each prompt
    • For Problem II and IV, put your code on a separate piece of paper but make it clear which function or which part of the script you are writing; you can use a comment such as # Part (2) to indicate what code is doing what
    • For Problem V(1)(a), put your answers in the linear algebra system; put other answers on another piece of paper and be sure to comment which part is which with notes such as "V(2)(b)"
    • In each case, if you are not quite sure how to do something, write notes to yourself about what you might need top look up later. This is meant to be a diagnostic tool - we will be grading it based on *completion* (and clarity of the scans) rather than accuracy!
  • After the allotted time, stop yourself.
  • You will be scanning the test to a PDF and uploading it to Gradescope. See the Scanning page references above for more information. That part is due Friday, March 4, at 5PM
  • See Student Submission for information on how to upload and then organize your upload. You basically need to let us know which page or pages include material for each problem. Include the test page even if all you wrote on the test page is your name and NetID.

Round 2: "Unlimited Time" "Open Notes"

  • Second, once you have taken the test by hand, scanned it, and uploaded, find time to correct it given that you can now use Python, notes, and the book. You are not allowed to ask other people questions directly or indirectly (i.e. no posting on message boards) with the exception of private notes to the Spring 2022 instructors of EGR 103. Take as much time as you want up until the due date, which is also Friday, March 4, at 5PM
  • To turn this in, you will actually be turning things in in different ways for different parts of the quiz:
    • Problem I: scan the page to a PDF and upload it to Gradescope. Your answers must be in the blocks provided!
    • Problem II: create a file called "problem2.py" with your solution and upload it to Gradescope.
    • Problem III: create a file called "problem3.py" that has the three functions defined within it and upload it to Gradescope.
    • Problem IV: create a file called "problem4.py" with your solution and upload it to Gradescope.
    • Problem V(1) and (2): scan your work into a PDF and upload it to Gradescope.
    • Problem V(3): create a file called "problem5.py" with your solution and upload it to Gradescope.
    • Note - you can certainly add test code to your script for any or all of the functions; just be sure to put the test code at the bottom of the script and start it with
if __name__ == "__main__":

Round 3: Reflection

  • Third, once you have re-taken the test, look back at the original handwritten version as well as the version you were able to do with notes, the book, and the computer. Write down / type out reflections on what you did well, what needs work, what was clear, what wasn't, improvements you would make to the test, etc, etc. You will be uploading this as a PDF to Gradescope by Friday, March 4, at 5PM; it should be about a page long and should be typed but it does not have to be in LaTeX.