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Hello, my name is Sedi and I'm currently a Pratt first year. My home state is Georgia , my favorite color is orange, I love warm and fiery colors. Raw tomatoes are objectively nasty. I like plants, music and going on small adventures. If you like, give me a follow on Instagram and like my recent snow day pics [https://www.instagram.com/nitrogen_selenide/]. Go Blue Devils!
Hello, my name is Sedi and I'm currently a Pratt first year. My home state is Georgia , my favorite color is orange, I love warm and fiery colors. Raw tomatoes are objectively nasty. I like plants, music and going on small adventures. If you like, give me a follow on Instagram and like my snow day pics [https://www.instagram.com/nitrogen_selenide/]. Go Blue Devils!
Check out this article from one of the Grand Challenges [https://www.sfgate.com/education/article/BERKELEY-Engineering-students-make-it-easy-2497340.php],Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 May 2006, accessed 17 January 2021 (Provide access to clean water)
Additionally, here is an article about of the Grand Challenges, provide access to clean water [https://www.sfgate.com/education/article/BERKELEY-Engineering-students-make-it-easy-2497340.php],Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 May 2006, accessed 17 January 2021 (Provide access to clean water)

Latest revision as of 17:22, 17 February 2022

Hello, my name is Sedi and I'm currently a Pratt first year. My home state is Georgia , my favorite color is orange, I love warm and fiery colors. Raw tomatoes are objectively nasty. I like plants, music and going on small adventures. If you like, give me a follow on Instagram and like my snow day pics [1]. Go Blue Devils!

Additionally, here is an article about of the Grand Challenges, provide access to clean water [2],Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 May 2006, accessed 17 January 2021 (Provide access to clean water)