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This page lists the topics covered on the first test for ECE 280. The test will cover material through Homework 4 and Lecture 8. The tests will be different for the two lecture sections.

Test I Fall 2021 Coverage

  1. Signal properties
    • Aperiodic or periodic (and if periodic, what is the period?)
    • Energy (and if so, the total energy), power (and if so, the average power), or neither
    • Even or odd (and regardless, be able to find even part and odd part for any signal)
  2. Independent and dependent variable transformations
    • Scaling, time shift, time scaling, time reversal
  3. Elementary signals
    • Impulse function $$\delta(t)$$ and its first four integrals ($$u(t)$$, $$r(t)$$, $$q(t)$$, and $$c(t)$$)
    • Quickly write a formula for piecewise functions made up of straight lines (i.e. accumulations of value and slope changes)
  4. Impulse and step response and their relationship to each other
  5. Convolution
    • Using the integral
    • Using graphical convolution
    • Using convolution properties for elementary signals
  6. System properties (from system equation, impulse response, or step response)
    • Memoryless
    • Causal
    • BIBO stable
    • Linear
    • Time Invariant
    • We will not ask about Invertible
  7. Correlation
    • Autocorrelation, autocorrelation function, cross-correlation, cross-correlation function, measure of correlation
  8. Using transfer functions
    • Obtaining transfer function from differential equation
    • Obtaining differential equation from transfer function
    • Solving for magnitude and phase in the AC steady state

Previous Tests

Dr. G's previous tests for ECE 280 (and ECE 54/64) are at the Test Bank; note that in previous semesters a different version of the correlation function was used - that version is labeled $$\phi_{xy(t)}$$ versus this semester's notation of $$r_{xy}(t)$$.

\( \begin{align*} r_{xy}&=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x(\tau)\,y(t+\tau)\,d\tau=x(-t)*y(t)=x_m(t)*y(t) \\ \phi_{xy}&=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x(t+\tau)\,y(t)\,d\tau=x(t)*y(-t)=x(t)*y_{m}(t)=r_{xy}(-t)=r_{yx}(t) \end{align*} \)

meaning the interpretation of the independent variable is different. For $$r_{xy}(t)$$, the "t" is "How far to the left do I slide $$y$$ for the area of the product of the signals to be $$r_{xy}(t)$$"; alternately, it could be interpreted as """How far to the right do I slide $$x$$ for the area of the product of the signals to be equal to $$r_{xy}(t)$$"

Specifically Not On The Test

  1. Maple
  3. Python
  4. Fourier Series