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This page is the review sheet for Test 2 for EGR 224 for Spring, 2019. It is still in draft form as of 4/1/2019.


While the test is, by nature, cumulative, there will be certain aspects of the Electrical Fundamentals of Mechatronics which form the core of this test. Specifically, topics from lectures 8-23, HW 5-10, and the accompanying labs. More specifically, topics include, but are not limited to,

  1. Reactive elements (capacitors and inductors)
    1. Know the basic voltage/current relationships
    2. Know the continuity conditions
  2. DC steady-state analysis of reactive circuits
    1. Capacitors act like open circuits
    2. Inductors act like short circuits
  3. AC steady-state analysis of reactive circuits
    1. Phasor analysis for single-frequency sources
    2. Phasor analysis coupled with superposition for circuits with sources at different frequencies - you can either do each individual component of all the sources independently or group components by frequency.
  4. Impedance and transfer functions
  5. Filters
    1. Be able to determine filter type by transfer function
    2. 1st order filters
      1. Determine cutoff frequency (half-power or -3dB frequency) and filter type
      2. Be able to determine filter type given a circuit or design a circuit given a filter type. This type of question would be limited to voltage-to-voltage filters
    3. 2nd order filters
      1. Be able to determine filter type given a circuit
      2. For high-pass or low-pass filters, be able to determine cutoff (half-power) frequencies (no tricky cases)
      3. For band-pass filters, be able to determine bandwidth, quality, damping ratio, cutoff frequencies, logarithmic center frequency, and linear center frequency
      4. For band-reject filters, be able to determine quality, damping ratio, cut-on frequencies, logarithmic center frequency, and linear center frequency
      5. Be able to design a band-pass or band-reject filter given sufficient information (some combination of bandwidth, quality, damping ratio, cutoff/cuton frequencies, logarithmic center frequency, and linear center frequency.
  6. Bode plots
    1. Be able to sketch Bode magnitude plot approximation for multiple zero/pole system assuming poles and zeros are at least a decade away from each other (i.e. no tricky cases)
    2. Be able to interpret Bode magnitude plot with respect to bandwidth, quality, damping ratio, cutoff/cut-on frequencies, logarithmic center frequency, and linear center frequency
  7. Frequency and Time Domain Relations
    1. Determine transfer functions between a source and an output
    2. Determine differential equation using time or frequency techniques
  8. Laplace Transforms
    1. Understand the concepts of impulse response and step response for LTI systems and their relationship to the transfer function
    2. Be able to set up and solve circuit equations using Bilateral Laplace Transform versions of impedance equations
    3. Be able to set up and solve circuit equations using Unilateral Laplace Transform equivalents of inductors and capacitors with initial conditions other than 0.
      • Specifically, know how to replace a capacitor or inductor with a version storing no initial energy in series with an appropriate voltage source or in parallel with an appropriate current source.
    4. Know the MOAT forwards and backwards and be able to use it to solve problems using Laplace transforms.
    5. Be able to use partial fraction expansion to help with inverse Laplace transforms of relatively simple frequency space representations. Note: no repeated roots will be given.

Relevant Prior Test Questions

In all cases below, if there is an Op-Amp problem, skip it From the Test Bank:

  • EE/ECE 61
    • Spring 2001 Test 2 (V)
    • Fall 2001 Test 2 (IV)
    • Spring 2001 Test 3 (I, IV, V)
    • Fall 2001 Test 3 (I, II, III)
  • ECE 280
    • Spring 2010 Test 1 (IV(c,d), V(c,d))
  • ECE 382
    • Spring 2007 Test 1 (I kind of..., V) - I will not have you do that much rote algebra
    • Spring 2008 Test 1 (IV a)
    • Spring 2009 Test 1 (Ia)
    • Spring 2010 Test 1 (I, II)
  • ECE 382 / ME 344
    • Spring 2011 Test 1 (I)
    • Spring 2012 Test 1 (I)
  • EGR 224
    • Spring 2008 Test 1 (I-III, V (a, b, d))
    • Spring 2008 Test 2 (I-III)
    • Spring 2009-2016 Test 2

Not on the test

  • Operational Amplifiers
  • Digital logic


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