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Revision as of 20:00, 2 September 2015

About Me

My name is Uriel Salazar Angelini. I was born in Charlotte, NC on April 13th, 1997 but currently live in Charleston, SC. I am Mexican, Italian, and Costa-Rican. Apart from being a native Spanish speaker, I have taken four years of French at Academic Magnet High School, and am currently studying Italian. I'm pretty easy-going and laid-back, so don't be afraid to come up to me or ask me something (as I can also be pretty talkative and try to be helpful). Currently, I plan to major in Mechanical Engineering, minor in Energy Engineering, and partake in undergraduate research.

Name Pronunciation

English Pronunciation: "Your-e-L Sahl-uh-czar An-gel-ini" Spanish Pronunciation: "Ooo-di-L Sal-ahh-czar An-gel-ini:

Current Courses

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