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My name is John Syme. I'm originally from the suburbs of CHI-Town, or Chicago for those who don't understand the parlance of a proud individual from the city of broad shoulders. I hope to major in Engineering here at Duke and possibly double major in economics. I'm, also, interested in studying Arabic in my time at Duke. At Duke, I'm involved in Men's Club Rowing, Duke Debate, and House Council for Epworth. I look forward to working hard, learning a lot, and having fun!
My name is John Syme. I'm originally from the suburbs of CHI-Town, or Chicago for those who don't understand the parlance of a proud individual from the city of broad shoulders. I hope to major in Engineering here at Duke and possibly double major in economics. I'm, also, interested in studying Arabic in my time at Duke. At Duke, I'm involved in Men's Club Rowing, Duke Debate, and House Council for Epworth. I look forward to working hard, learning a lot, and having fun!
[http://www.usnews.com/education/articles/2008/08/14/the-new-hot-job-nuclear-engineering], Alison Go, US News & World Report, updated 14 August 2008, accessed 14 September 2013 (Provide Energy from Fusion)
[[Signed: John Syme (jrs90)]]
[[Signed: John Syme (jrs90)]]

Revision as of 18:39, 14 September 2013

My name is John Syme. I'm originally from the suburbs of CHI-Town, or Chicago for those who don't understand the parlance of a proud individual from the city of broad shoulders. I hope to major in Engineering here at Duke and possibly double major in economics. I'm, also, interested in studying Arabic in my time at Duke. At Duke, I'm involved in Men's Club Rowing, Duke Debate, and House Council for Epworth. I look forward to working hard, learning a lot, and having fun!

[1], Alison Go, US News & World Report, updated 14 August 2008, accessed 14 September 2013 (Provide Energy from Fusion)

Signed: John Syme (jrs90)