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About Me

Hey! So in case you didn't know, you're currently perusing the duke wiki page for me, Aman Kansal.


I'm originally from the Northern Virginia area, near D.C. where I've been for really my whole life. I lived first in Alexandria, then Vienna for about 12 years. No complaints at all. Durham's got a lot to live up to!

Physical Attributes

For those who're curious, I'm 5'10 , 150 pounds-ish, and have green eyes. Which is really weird because no one in my family has that, so my sister too often tells me my family just picked me up from the street somewhere. Because apparently that's the only explanation since the concept of recessive genes is witchcraft.


So Aman Kansal is phonetically pronounced: UH-mun KUN-sul


At Duke, I'm planning on being an active member of the Dhamaka Bhangra team, the Investment Club, either The Chronicle or The Archive, and the Duke IR club. If you want to know my other interests, friend me on facebook!

Grand Challenge for Engineering

Here's an article related to Alternative Engineering, particularly the challenge to make solar energy economical:

[ New Financial Models Make Solar Power More Economical], Environmental Daily, created 26 March 2008, accessed 21 September 2011 (Grand Challenge)

Favorite Demo!

It was tough to decide between Minesweeper and Sliding Puzzle. Both incorporated GUI which I loved since I could actually play the game and be a part of the demo, but I'm going to have to go with Sliding Puzzle as my favorite because the speed was better. The tiles moved quickly once I clicked them, whereas in Minesweeper, every time I hit a bomb (which happened a lot since I'm really not that skilled) I had to wait for ~20 boxes to clear up which took about 15 seconds before I could play again.