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Revision as of 18:26, 9 September 2012 by Amorini (talk | contribs)
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A Little Bit About Me

Born in Cali, Colombia, I am a proud latino with Italian and Lebanese heritage. I graduated from Colegio Bolivar in June, 2012, and I'm now an engineering student at Duke University. My major is still undeclared, even though I maintain a particular interest in BME.

Name Pronunciation

"Aulo Morini." Morini is easy, sounding no different from how it is written. Aulo, however, is a little more tricky. If you've ever heard the common latin name 'Paulo', "Aulo" is pronounced just the same, but without the P. It's a two syllable name; the first syllable -Au- pronounced as if making the beginning of an "Owch" sound, and the second syllable being just "lo".

Personal Interests

A devout soccer fan, movie lover, and golfer, I am a lifelong fan of Juventus FC, and hope to see them win the Champions League again this season after seventeen years. I also follow Tiger Woods, hoping that he returns to his maximum performance level, as well as writer Cormac McCarthy, and directors Gus Van Sant, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, David Fincher, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Clint Eastwood.

Grand Challenges in Engineering

An interesting article about engineering and medicine:

The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Federal support for science and technology, or hidden industrial policy?, Yasuyuki Motoyama, Richard Appelbaum, and Rachel Parker, ScienceDirect, updated May 2011, accessed September 9, 2012.